Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 !

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This is the time of year that most of us um... "larger folk" make a resolution to lose weight. Yep, i have probably done this since I was 12 years old! So this year i'm not going to make a "New years resolution" because frankly they always fail. For this year, I am going to make some goals. Some of these goals are  for 2012, but the ultimate thing I am going after is a lifestyle change. So yes, I am going to make a list, :) but this isn't just for the new year... It is for the rest of my life. These are some steps that I hope will help lead me down the road to health and fitness..

And the Goals Are... 

  1. Run 365 miles in 2012! ~ Will be tracking via 
  2. Finish a 5k race
  3. Complete a Jillian Michaels 30 day challenge (30 days straight! complete with before and after pictures and measurements ;)   ) 
  4. Incorporate more veggies into my diet!
  5. Reduce my sugar intake
  6. Do something EVERYDAY.. even if it means just going for a short walk. 
Yippie :) So far things have been going pretty well and i'm excited to start the new year. It is been awesome to have support. 


  1. Happy New Year, Sarah! You set some great goals! You can do it! The 30 Day Shred is great - you will see such a difference in your body and endurance!

  2. Thank-you Shannon! I am excited :D
