Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fat girl running

For the last two months or so I have been training for a 5k. I actually completed my first 5k in 2012 and it was a great experience. I went with a group of friends and they were all cheering me on at the finish line. The atmosphere was amazing and it became even more special as the first snow of the year started to fall during the race. Afterwards I knew that this would be something I would be trying again. Looking forward to my next 5k April 12th!

Through talking with many other runners and friends, I have come to the conclusion that running as a larger woman offers many different experiences and challenges. Here are some of the things that I have learned during my process so far.

1. People will look at you! Yes, the dreaded stares will happen, but maybe not for the reason you think. In your mind all they see is every inch of you bouncing up and down in a semi-uncoordinated fashion. In reality, they are impressed! It is not common to see people such as yourself run for that far or that long! While staring may not be the most effective way of communicating this, they may be wondering how to best express their feelings without pointing out the fact that you are clearly heavier than the other runners.

2. You may not be able to progress as quickly as others. If you are doing a training program that says it will take 8 weeks, it may take longer. Repeat some weeks if needed. It's much better to ease into those longer runs than risk an injury!

3. You may be more sore than you wish. Don't be afraid to take your recovery days, ice, and ask your significant other for a massage! 

4, Your feet may hurt. Make SURE to invest in some quality running shoes! Not only will this make your more comfortable but it can also help prevent injury. I also found out that my insurance covers custom orthotics and they made a world of difference.

5. You will be more prone to injuries. Take it slow! Don't try to progress to quickly. Stretch and never skip your warm up or cool down

6. And lastly, it will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. This is not an easy task, and pushing through those additional challenges will make it even more rewarding. I would highly encourage you to find a couch-to-5k program and (after talking with your doctor) give it a try! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Month 3 updates: Blood tests and a new diet!

I'd like to start by saying re-commitment week was a real success! The biggest thing that I got out of this week was consistent exercise. I am really starting to enjoy my time at the gym and have started to fall into a semi-consistent routine. Though I didn't quite reach my 300 minute goal I think that it will be a great number to keep striving for! My weight loss had been stalling for a while but it is amazing how much getting back on track with your plan can get that scale moving again! I also recently had my 3 month check-up with the doctor and nutritionist! Here are the updates!

Weight Update:
I'm down about 54lbs from my highest weight and have put some distance between me and that morbidly obese category. I'm continuing to feel great. I am over half way to 100 and about 44% of the way to my (potential) ultimate goal weight of 150. At this point I'm shooting for around 10lbs a month and have started dreaming of Onederland!

Nutrition Update:
As part of my 3 month appointment I got some blood work done. They checked things like my cholesterol, iron, vitamin levels, and glucose. This was to check how I have been doing with my nutrition and to see if my vitamin supplements need to be adjusted. My doc told me that it is pretty typical to see deficiencies in B12, Vitamin D, and Iron so he was more than pleased when my results showed everything in the normal levels! My B12 was actually creeping into the above normal category. Long story short, I'm doing well with my nutrition!

My diet was also advanced to my 'lifelong' diet. This means I can pretty much eat anything now but I am expected to make smart choices. The additions of breads and pastas back into my diet has sure been a welcome change!

Fitness Update:
Since the start of student teaching I have been struggling a lot more with getting to the gym. I've been averaging around 2-3x a week but would like to get that up to around 5x. I have been continuing with my zombies C25K program and have just started week 4. This week included a 15 minute run and I was able to complete the whole segment without walking! I also am able to do some strength training once a week and am really starting to feel myself getting stronger! Looking forward to finding a 5K race to sign up for and getting back into the pool!

God Bless!