Tuesday, May 13, 2014

TWO 5K races and a new commitment to fitness

The last time I updated I was preparing for a single 5K, but I am so proud to say that I've actually completed TWO! I am really starting to fall in love with running and am looking forward to challenging myself with longer distances. What I love most about running is that it is a very personal sport. You can race against yourself and set very personal goals. Coming from a competitive swimming background I love racing against my own time. I may not ever win first place, but I always am striving to beat my own personal best, and that's good enough for me!

Race Day overview: YMCA Run/Walk in Marquette, MI

This race was FREEZING! I think it may have hit 38 degrees by the time we ran... I'm sure glad I have thick yooper blood these days! Here is me before the race! I'm not sure what was going on with the guy in the apron behind me though...

I ended up finishing the race in 40:03 which was MUCH faster than I had anticipated! Micah actually missed me finish because I told him that if he was back in 45 minutes that he could have plenty of time to go to a store. 

The second 5K I did was a part of Journey's Marathon in Eagle River Wisconsin. Signing up for this race was a spur of the moment decision (the night before the race!) so I didn't have as much of a solid training schedule leading up to it. I am SO glad I did it! I was really starting to become lazy with my exercise and this race really put me back on track!

This race packet came with a ton of awesome swag! 

It was the most beautiful day that we have had all year! In the 60s with a light breeze and sun! Here I am before the race enjoying the beautiful weather and awesome shirt!

And after the race: I was a hot mess, but I finished! 

 I am also starting to notice more dramatic changes in my body. Even though the scale has been at a dreaded stall for the last month, I have been fitting in my clothes much differently. I can actually feel muscle coming through in my legs and calves, I feel STRONG! Loving it :-D Some not so nice things have started to show up as well. My boobs are definitely deflating and I'm starting to notice some loose skin. I'm trying to ignore it the best I can for now, but I know it is going to start getting to me sooner or later. 

As mentioned before I've gotten fairly lazy towards exercise after my first 5k, so I have decided to recommit myself to exercise and really focus on fitness this month. With the warmer weather finally arriving I figured there couldn't be a better time. I'm also hoping it will help get the scale moving again!

Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Sarah! You are doing so great! I am just so lucky and blessed to have such an awesome daughter. Keep up the good work!
