Saturday, February 22, 2014

Getting back on track

I have to admit I have been struggling lately with sticking to my program. Many people after weight loss surgery acquire a strong intolerance/aversion to high sugar foods. This was something that I had actually hoped to get because sweets have always been a huge struggle for me. Up until last week I hadn't really tested my limits with sweets because I had been doing so well at following my prescribed diet. Well last Wednesday night advertising finally got to me and I just had to try McDonald's chocolate covered strawberry frappe. I didn't check any nutrition facts because I thought after 3 months I deserved a treat.

So I drank ALL 570 calories of process sugar, fat, and chemicals...

It was wonderful. My body did feel crappy for about 10 minutes (At this point I hadn't allowed myself ANY added sugar) but I quickly faded into my blissful sugar high. No aversions, no nausea, and now I was sucked back in. Those 79 grams of sugar are still affecting me. I basically feel like I've fallen off the wagon. I am now having a much harder time staying on my diet, and have continued to indulge on a few sweets such as chocolate covered pretzels and some puppy chow. My cravings for unhealthy foods are back in full force and it's not just sweets. I literally will KILL for carbs! I have also noticed a change in my mood and energy now that my food choices haven't been the best. I haven't been killing it in gym as much as I should, and even my water consumption has decreased. Welp, it's time for me to commit to getting back on track. Monday is my 're-commitment' day! Here are the specific goals and benchmarks that I am going to commit to for next week! 

  1. 2 days liquid diet, 3 days soft food diet, last two days on my current diet
  2. Take ALL my vitamin supplements each day
  3. 300 minutes of exercise
  4. Hit 64 oz of fluid each day
  5. No added sugar! 
  6. No weighing myself until the end of the week (This is going to be HARD!) 
  7. At lease 70g protein everyday! 

I plan to check in daily for one week to keep myself accountable! The hope is that after this week I will re-establish my good habits and get back on track toward health and fitness! With that, I have a few victories to share. 

NSV: I am no longer morbidly obese! This is HUGE for me!  I now also fit into some pants from high-school :-D 

SV: I have hit 50lbs lost! Half way to 100!

God Bless! 


  1. Take time to feel head hunger vs real hunger. It is not real. You ARE doing so well. It is the extremes that get us in trouble. Imagine what it had been like if you had been enjoying little sweets from time to time instead of breaking down and binging on the frapee. It is when we deprive ourselves that our heads rebel. I was given a chocolate bar for Valentine's Day- here we are 9 days later and it is about 3/4 finished. In the past I would have eaten it in one sitting!!! Moderation and not deprivation is the key to success for me. Real sugar treats are just that a treat and not something I do very much. My go to is SF/FF Chocolate pudding with FF spray whip cream. It is decadent and delicious and satisfies the sweet tooth and not the bottom line.

    You are doing amazing! I am always happy to talk if you want. CHEERS!

    1. Great point about the deprivation! I also think I'll be making some pudding :-D I have some not made at the moment but adding whip will make it seem like an actual dessert! Thanks a lot Meredith! It's nice to hear another perspective.

  2. I watched a show today on WKAR with a Dr. Hyman and he basically confirmed many of my beliefs relating to sugar. It definitely is addicting. I know that for me I cannot eat sugar in moderation. I am an addict. The longer I go without it, the easier it is to stay away, and I stop getting cravings. I tried to convince myself for many years that I could handle it, and I just needed more will power. Well, that works about as we'll as an alcoholic saying I deserve to have a beer. Maybe some people can, but if your an addict- like me, all you do is make the cravings get worse. You might be different, but we obviously share genetic traits. I love you and I am praying for you.
