Friday, February 27, 2015

Half marathon training week 3!

Oh goodness I am waaaay behind on getting this up! I have also fallen slightly behind in my training, but I'm not stressing too much over it. It's this darn cold! I'm really hoping the temps will stabilize above zero soon so I can attempt these long runs outside. This third week of training was particularly difficult because the long run was actually long!

Another exciting thing is that I found a 10K to run on the exact day my training plan wants me to do one! It was at this race last year where I PRed my 5K time. It was a beautiful flat course along lake superior so I'm totally excited to get back there again!

Week 3

Day 1: Cross training - 40 minutes on the stationary bike

Day 2: Easy run
-Run, easy pace, 35 minutes
-Cool down, 5-10 minutes

Day 3: Cross training - Mid-week body blast class!

Day 4:  Intervals - Ended up doing my runs at 6.0 mph (fast for me!) then walking for my recovery
-Warm up, 10 minutes
- Run, threshold pace, 2 minutes, recovery run, 1 minute. Repeat 5 times.
-Cool down, 5-10 minutes

Day 5: Rest day

Day 6: Cross training - My beloved elliptical while watching Grey's Anatomy <3

Day 7: Long run - This left me WIPED! It really felt like a huge jump in the training plan but I guess I'm used to the C25K. I can say that I felt SOOOO accomplished when I finished it though!
- Walk, brisk pace, 10 minutes
- Run, easy pace, 30 minutes
- Walk, brisk pace, 5 minutes
- Run, easy pace, 30 minutes
- Walk, brisk pace, 10 minutes
-Cool down, 5-10 minutes

In other news, this book is great! If you're looking for a good laugh I'd highly suggest it :)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Half marathon training week 2!

Hi friends!

Thank you all so much for your encouragement with my week 1 post! Week 2 also went well, but I'm starting to realize how difficult this is going to become when I start my long term sub position at the end of this month. I simply have NO motivation to workout after I get home from school. The question is will I hate working out after school or early in the morning more. Time will tell!

The 2nd week:

Day 1: Cross training - 40 minutes! I did about 30 minutes on the elliptical and then some lifting. 

Day 2: Easy run + body weight exercises 
-Run, easy pace, 30 minutes 
- Cool down, 5-10 minutes
- Stretch 
- Squats, push-ups, lunges, plank

Day 3: Cross training - I tried out a total body fitness class. By far one the the more difficult classes that I've taken! 

Day 4: Easy run - I was SORE from the day before and wasn't sure if this run would happen. Thankfully I only had to run for 20 minutes so I busted it out and went home for a long Epsom salt bath with essential oils! 
- walk, brisk pace, 10 minutes
- run, easy pace, 20 minutes 
- cool down 5-10 minutes
- stretch 

Day 5: Choice between yoga or rest day. I chose rest day! (I still can't seem to get into yoga) 

Day 6:  Choice between swimming, pilates, or aerobics - I chose to try a cardio drumming class. I was NOT a fan!! As a former drummer in marching band I almost had to leave because everybody was so off beat and it was driving me nuts! I won't be going back to that one! 

Day 7:  Long run
- walk, brisk pace, 15 minutes
- run, easy pace, 30 minutes
- cool down, 5-10 minutes
- stretch

Because everyone loves a pinterest motivational image right ? :-) This one really stood out to me today. I am getting STRONGER! Can't wait to see what the next few months have to bring!